Member States shall not stand

“Non-indifference means that the AU and its Member States shall not stand by and not take action and may deploy even where there is no peace to keep, to prevent and/or respond to grave circumstances namely: war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide,” the doctrine states. “This is an obligation of AU Member States.” The doctrine also

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advantage of the African-led

One advantage of the African-led missions is their versatility. There are large-scale missions mandated by the AU, like the mission in Somalia, which began in 2007 and included up to 20,000 troops. There also are smaller missions authorized by the regional economic communities (REC) like the 630-person Economic Community of West African States (ECO

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space diplomacy for the Global

Since several of the developing countries, especially those in South Asia, lack the wherewithal to develop their own outer space programmes and technologies, space diplomacy for the Global South is mired with challenges. Apart from the requirement of large-scale revenues, several developing countries have conflicting priorities, differing objective

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of the developing countries

Most of the developing countries, including India to an extent, are significantly dependent on advanced nations from the West or on China. Moreover, their participation in space exploration activities revolves around ‘gathering and transmitting data’ to enhance connectivity amongst their populace and thereby facilitate development. Here, India

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concerns of neocolonialism

This raises concerns of neocolonialism of outer space, where the true ‘winners’ in space exploration are those that already possess influence and economic capabilities For example, the United States’ (US) apex space body, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), launched the “Psyche” spacecraft in 2023 to explore an aster

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